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Thursday, March 25, 2010

great idea for IWB screensaver

What a good idea.  You should check out what she is doing.

The possibilities are endless! Here’s how to do it…

  1. Make a slide in PowerPoint as normal
  2. Save the file as a Device Independent Bitmap
  3. Click to save every slide
  4. Go to Display in the Control Panel
  5. On the Screen Saver tab, click My Pictures Slideshow, and in the Wait box, set the amount of time you want to elapse before the screen saver is displayed.
  6. Under Screen saver, click Settings. Under How often should pictures change?, set the slider at the interval you want between pictures
  7. Under Use pictures in this folder, browse to the folder in which you saved the presentation or slide and click ok!


I wish I had one of these for the classroom.

My summer goal is to be artistic and creative and make one of these for my classroom.  Wish me luck.  Maybe I can even get my students to create me one????????


Periodic table my students need

One of my goals as an 8th grade physical science teacher is to show my students that the elements of the periodic table are not just symbols.  I spend a lot of time sharing with them the ways that the elements are used in their lives.  This is a poster that I do have in the classroom but now my students can have access to it online as well.  Hopefully, I am making science real and when we move from memorizing the symbols for the elements into discussing the common compounds in their lives they have an appreciation for the materials that they continually interact with.  I like to think that they find it interesting that gold, silver, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen are not the only interesting elements in their daily lives.  A little Na in the car airbag, As in LED’s, and Zr (almost a girl’s best friend).  Every teacher at every level would benefit from sharing this resource with their students.  Use it in English to write an essay to convince the board of a company to keep this element on its shelves, have students use the symbols to spell real words with (COW-carbon, oxygen,tungsten), how many words can they come up with.  Use your name and write it in elements (Alice- Al, I, Ce), and simple math games what is the sum of 2C and an O).  I could go on and on.  Have fun with this by jinging the elements and making trading cards at bighugelabs.